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Monday 8 March 2010


Cheating on tests is something we've all done at some point in our lives, whether it was over hearing someones answer in a pub quiz or writing notes on the back of our hand in school.

It is mostly to do with our natural will to want to do well and not to feel like a weak link and so out of desperation we cheat, it could also be down to bad preparation so five minutes before the test we scribble some notes down and hope for the best. For some people it becomes a habit and so like any other habit it needs to be broken. There is quite a lot of excitement involved in cheating, "Am I going to get caught?", and so for some it may be an adrenaline rush.

It's been found that children only really start to deliberately cheat when they reach the age of 10 and up wards, younger children may cheat but will see it as their way of helping another child. So why do we come to an age of cheating?

It could be that we have just got more intelligent in the idea of doing the least work for the biggest gain, Dan Ariely also came up with some results which suggest that "people cheat based on whether they think they'll get caught and the level of punishment they'll receive".

The other type of cheating is cheating on a partner. This could happen for a million and one different reasons each specific to the relationship. It is a lot more common that people may think, msnbc conducted a survey and found that "22 percent, have cheated on their current partner. The rate is even higher among married men".

This is obviously a serious thing for both the cheater and the cheated as it can destroy years worth of relationship, there are thousands of websites devoted to telling you if your wife or husband might be cheating on you, what to do if they are, tips on how to cheat successfully and even how to get your revenge on them. But how do people get into the situation of having two relationships at the same time? Like I said before it would be impossible to go through all the reasons why people cheat but the main reasons are possibly these:

Boredom, a long term relationship brings many hurdles which some people don't feel they can over come.
Distance, the out of sight out of mind scenario.
Being promiscuous, some people find it hard to commit to one person.
Falling for someone else, people may find that they are with the wrong person.

All these reasons may seem valid to the cheater but for the other person in the relationship it can leave them feeling used, stupid and unworthy.

I think this subject comes under being bad very well because, unless the person marries their new partner before splitting with the old, it's not illegal and it's something that normal people do but it is not considered a good thing to do and the cheater if often seen as the 'bad guy'.

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