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Sunday 25 April 2010

Reuse. Reduce. Recycle.

I think that this is a relevant topic to the current world we live in. We are surrounded by ideas which will make us more environmentally friendly. There are recylcing bins available to everyone, there are hybrid and electric cars, there are energy saving light bulbs, there are solar panels and wind farms and even washing detergents which have been designed to work at 15 degrees to save energy on heating.

The government have introduced park and ride schemes to try and cut down on the amount of cars on the road, there is also the scraping scheme which means that if you scrap your old car then you can get a new car which has a smaller carbon footprint.

There have been films made about the end of the world and a new ice age (The Day After Tomorrow). There have been countless documentaries and news stories about global warming and the new weather systems which are sweeping the world. Al Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth' is all about giving people a wake up call and giving them the truth about global warming and the devastating effects it could have on our planet if we don't do something about it now. For most of the film Al Gore gives many shocking facts, shows charts which show our CO2 levels to be off the scale and upsetting images of the retreating levels of snow on the tops of mountains and the ice caps.

There is scientific evidence to suggest that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt. Apparently "the Earth's temperature has increased by about half a degree Celsius... the sea level has risen 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20cm) in the last 100 years". 'An Inconvenient Truth' shows that after one of the last ice ages a huge amount of fresh water from Canada flowed into the Atlantic Ocean and disrupted the golf stream and sent Western Europe into another ice age for nearly a thousand years! Al Gore then jokingly says that this will never happen again because there isn't a giant mass of ice anywhere near that area, the screen behind him then moves up slightly to show Greenland, which is currently melting.

To help reduce the worlds CO2 emissions we all need to do our little bit. There are 12 top tips from climatecrisis.net which include, checking that your tires are properly inflated, cutting meat out of your diet one day a week to save water, plant a tree and there are more. It seems like there are so many options that we have, we just need to start taking them and stop being bad for our planet.


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