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Thursday 8 April 2010

Response to Nicola Gorthy's- Smoking whilst Pregnant

This is something I've never quite been able to get my head round either. I appreciate that it would be very hard to completely stop if you are addicted, but if it's possible then some forward planning wouldn't go a miss- start to cut down before you're even pregnant?! Your personal experience has shown that you can never be sure how it will effect your baby and I personally don't see why anyone would want to risk it.

I'm not a smoker myself so maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but if a doctor told me I had to stay in bed for 9 months I would do it! It would be hard but for the sake of my child I don't think I'd give it a second thought!

The medical advice is very clear, you shouldn't smoke. A website lists all the risks to the unborn baby, I think that this is the most shocking, "babies born to mothers who smoke... are twice as likely to die from cot death. There seems to be a direct link between cot death and parents smoking". That to me is more than enough persuasion!

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