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Wednesday 5 May 2010


Gambling is basically betting anything on something when there is a chance you might loose what you have bet. Most of the time people gamble money on sports events or card games.
Many religions see gambling as sinful. I don't think there is a major problem with gambling, after all thousands of people gamble on the lottery every week, it's when it becomes an addiction is when it becomes a problem.

Gamblers Anonymous has 20 questions to determined whether someone is addicted to gambling or not. They included, "did gambling affect your reputation? Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? Did you ever borrow to finance your gambling?" This is obviously when gambling has been taken to the extreme.

Apparently Jeremy Kyle suffered from a gambling addiction according to wikipedia his marriage to Kirsty Rowley only lasted about fourteen months because "Kyle had carefully concealed a destructive and expensive gambling habit from her over the course of their marriage. This included stealing money from her bank account, and accumulating thousands of pounds of debt to fund his habit."

When gambling is kept under control and is used for pleasure and isn't an addiction then I think it is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. However, like anything when it is taken too far, and becomes a need rather than a want and other people's lives are affected because of someone elses addiction to spending money, then I think it is a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. i beleive there are two types of gamblers addicts and people who do it for fun and as long as your not weak minded and dont have an addictive personality and see gambling as just fun and games then it isnt harmfull
